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React Native Notes 35: Implementing PBKDF2 with Salt

Kuray Ogun
FreakyCoder Software Blog
2 min readNov 30, 2023


Streamlining Secure Token Generation in React Native with PBKDF2 and Salt

When it comes to managing PBKDF2 (Password-Based Key Derivation Function 2) in React Native, developers often face challenges. This is primarily due to the obsolescence and lack of maintenance of many JavaScript and React Native libraries. A simple Google search might not yield up-to-date solutions. However, there’s a beacon of hope:

The react-native-quick-crypto Library


Developers utilize PBKDF2 for generating secure tokens (like refresh tokens) or handling other sensitive data. This method is known for its robustness in enhancing data security.

Setting Up the Environment

First, ensure you have npm i react-native-quick-crypto installed it in your project.


Here’s a step-by-step guide to the implementation:

import Crypto from 'react-native-quick-crypto';

// Function to generate a random alphanumeric string
export function generateRandomString() {
return Math.random().toString(36).substring(2);

// Configuration for PBKDF2
const ITERATIONS = 1000; // Iterations count, adjustable
const KEY_LENGTH = 64; // Output key length in bytes (512 bits)
const ALGORITHM = 'SHA256'; // Hashing algorithm, can be changed

// Asynchronous function to generate a renewal token
export async function generateToken(token, authToken) {
// Creating a unique salt by combining authToken with a random string
const salt = authToken + generateRandomString();

// Generating a hash using PBKDF2
const hash = Crypto.pbkdf2Sync(

// Converting the hash to a hexadecimal string
const renewalToken = Buffer.from(hash).toString('hex');

// Returning the generated salt and renewal token
return { salt, renewalToken };

Explanation of the Code

  • We use Crypto.pbkdf2Sync from react-native-quick-crypto to generate the hash. This incorporates our generated salt and the provided registrationToken. As I said, this can be different for your use case so please adjust it for your own needs.
  • The hash is then converted to a hex string to finalize the renewalToken
  • The use of Buffer eliminates the need for additional third-party libraries.

Thanks to react-native-quick-crypto, implementing PBKDF2 with salt in React Native is straightforward and secure. This example should guide you through your own implementations. For any further questions or clarifications, feel free to reach out.

Cheers! 🍻

